Why is motivation key to becoming healthy?

Summoning up the mental drive and determination to reach your goals can be really tough, especially regarding health and fitness - aspects which demand sustained commitment. Here’s how you can up your motivation and smash your goals.


Set multiple, smaller goals to reach an overall target.


When recovering from an injury, or looking to get your fitness back, your end goal can seem unrealistic. It might not be achievable, especially if you have low motivation. Building up your goals over time will help break down your ultimate, higher goal, and give you some indication on how much you’re progressing. It may be helpful to create a checklist. Ticking off smaller goals on your journey can encourage you to feel more motivated, while making it clearly visible that you’re getting closer to reaching your overall target.


It’s important to stick with the plan you and your instructor have drawn up, though this can - of course - be adapted in certain situations. Even high profile athletes such as Cristiano Ronaldo have to push themselves to stay elite, such as stopping behind after training’s finished to sharpen their skills and stay at the top of their game. Being consistent is great, but being motivated enough to push yourself that bit further is even better. Focusing on the positives of what you do and less on the grind will bring you more enjoyment from the sessions. In turn, this will make achieving your goals seem even more fulfilling.


Focus on yourself.


Just because you’ve started your recovery or started to get healthy doesn’t mean you have to lose enjoyment in what you do. Going out and buying some active wear, or even just a pair of running shoes, can have a positive psychological effect on you. As a result, this can make you feel more motivated, and happier when undergoing activities as you feel better prepared for them.


Learning new skills is a good way to keep some excitement in your life or get yourself motivated. If you’re recovering with a leg injury, you can focus on your core and be rewarded for a full work out. Alternatively, why not try something new that you’ve been putting off which might take your mind off the recovery process or the grit of tough workouts?


Signs of low motivation and how to overcome it.


Low motivation tends to have a direct effect on your performance. It’s important to understand the signs of low motivation in order to combat them, and enable you to reach your peak levels of fitness, giving 100% every session. You could have low motivation if you feel you have a lack of desire, you’re giving less than 100% effort, or you’re skipping sessions and ending them early.


Motivation can help you overcome the pain, fatigue, and boredom that can come with recovery/exercise. In turn, this can help you overcome the hindrance of being put off from doing things such as playing with the grandkids, or excelling yourself in your career. Motivation can help restore the desire to do what you love. Psychology Today discussing the idea of prime motivation, which they say comes from 3 key elements: direction, decisions, and dedication. Together, these can build motivation - have a read for more detail on this.


How can I help restore your motivation and help achieve your goals?


As your trainer, allow me to help and support you through your fitness journey. I’m here to give you the mental strength and structure to your workouts in those moments that may otherwise derail you from your mission, should you be tackling this alone.


If you’re interested, or want to find out more, get in touch at enquiries@simonfarrar.com.

Simon Farrar