What is the Runner's High?

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Ever heard of the Runner’s High? Yes, this is a thing. The runner's high is one of the many benefits that come with lacing up your running shoes and getting out on the road. It triggers endorphins in the brain, giving you a feeling of euphoria that leads to reduced anxiety and a lessened ability to feel pain. So this is great when you just need a moment to clear your head, or some time to get away from the stresses of life, running provides you with that escape.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise to help lose weight and combat obesity. It also helps to combat long-term health issues such as helping to reduce the chances of having a stroke. It also helps to fight heart disease, reduce high blood pressure and even tackles the chances of getting type 2 diabetes. Science even says that 30 minutes a week has been proven to add extra years onto your life.

The beauty of running is that it doesn’t stop at health benefits, there’s so much more to it. Go off the beaten track and explore what’s around you. Whether you like to run the city streets at night, run along the river or wake up to catch that early sunrise as your jogging through your nearby villages.

The amazing thing about running is that no matter if your a complete amateur, anyone can do it. With benefits like these, how could you not want to get started?

Running is a great way to build lifelong friendships and create a mini running family. Running clubs are a great way to find this within the sport, and there are clubs around the world. Whatever city you’re in, you’ll be sure to find one. So if you’re an avid runner and want to keep it up while you’re travelling, this is a great way to explore new destinations and to meet new people at the same time.

Want to get start getting fit? We can even include running in your sessions! Get in touch with me on either enquiries@simonfarrar.com or 0789900025.

Simon Farrar